More number of lords with some income is better than few lords with lot of income.

You should minimize number of fiefs per lord in general.But you're not going to get a whole ton of lords joining you anyway. You should bring in lords asap as they bolster your kingdom strength as a whole.I only have about 500hrs in the game myself, so, perhaps greater experts will chime in as well. As time passes and I gain more honour and give out fiefs, eventually all of them (even the ones not in my faction) get 100 relationship with me. It is impossible though to get in the negatives. Honourable lords will not backstab me even if I go into the negatives with them. If I take ever a non honourable lord as a vassal, I only give them villages and never care to keep them happy. I do not waste companions into lords and even if I did, I would still not do it. I share the villages of the towns that I have under my reign to random lords. I usually give to each of them 2-3 large fiefs (towns/castles) and whatever villages belong to these fiefs. Honourable lords do not get unhappy if I give fiefs without asking them first and they do not get unhappy jf I give to someone more or less fiefs. Since I get honourable lords, that means I do not have to worry to who I give what. You can capture the lord you want in a battle and then as he is your prisoner, ask him to join you. In PoP there is no need to ever persuade a lord on joining you.

So I just raise my honour and make all honourable lords like me. I only get honourable lords, because I do not want to get headaches with other type of lords wanting me to keep them happy. PoP is the easiest mod when it comes to getting lords, to the point it feels like I am cheating. This game is great, but I figured it's about time I actually get farther than holding a castle plus a village under a king.